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Director's Welcome

Director's Welcome

SOULS West is a time-tested concept of education. Like the school of the prophets, SOULS West was established to develop church leadership, teach evangelism (Matthew 28:19,20), and to cement our youth into the plan of salvation as taught and loved by Seventh-day Adventists.


Leadership is the principle that the church and all organizations rise and fall on. The church needs leaders, not only as church employees, but in the local church as mechanics, doctors, CPAs, salesmen, businessmen/women, etc. The goal of SOULS West is to train both church employees and people of all professions to work and love ministry. SOULS West graduates will continue their education in many areas. Our prayer is that as in the days of Elijah and Elisha, they will lead the Adventist movement until Christ returns.


Evangelism is the cornerstone of the Adventist movement. SOULS West students learn to see the potential in every door knocked on, every Bible study given, every evangelistic meeting held. They learn to share a risen and soon coming Savior with each and every person. They are taught to encourage people to commit their lives to Christ and to prepare for His soon coming.

To do the above, students must develop people skills. This is one thing that will help them wherever they are in the arena of life. The SOULS West experience enhances its graduates in whatever employment God leads them to pursue.

Personal growth is a key element in the concept behind our school. Leadership and evangelism are meaningless without a personal commitment to Christ.


This is the task of true education: to build in our students a deep and abiding love for our Lord and His plan of salvation. SOULS West students are schooled in all the major doctrines of Adventism through study of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. They are encouraged and prayed for by their staff to make a lifelong commitment to the Adventist message and their Lord Jesus Christ.


Michael & Candice Tuazon

Director of SOULS-West

“To restore in man the image of his Maker, to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created, to promote the development of body, mind, and soul. . .”

(Education, pg. 15,16).

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