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Conference Support

SOULS West is blessed to have the support of the conferences within the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

The Pacific Union Conference is one of nine unions that makes up the North American Divisions of Seventh-day Adventists.Pacific Union consists of seven conferences nurturing 217,370 members in 696 churches.  Nearly 42 million individuals of European, Hispanic, African, Asian/Pacific, and American Indian ancestry live int he five southwestern states comprising the Pacific Union.  For more information on the Pacific Union Conference please visit their website at www.puconline.comThe mission of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is to bring leadership, coordination, and guidance to the work of the local conferences.  With this mission in mind, the Pacific Union Conference provided the support necessary to launch SOULS West.Below are letters from some of the officers of the Pacific Union Conference specifically regarding SOULS West.

"The ministry of door-to-door evangelism conducted by SOULS West students results in thousands of families throughout Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah having life-changing literature placed in their hands each year. But the blessing only begins there, because every contact made is an opportunity for SOULS West students to experience first-hand the impact of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of others. Their thrilling stories provide abundant evidence of God’s wonder-working power. We are thankful for the faithful ministry of the students and leadership of SOULS West."

Executive Secretary of Pacific Union Conference

Brad Newton


“It is a pleasure for me to recommend SOULS West to young people in the Pacific Union who want to learn how to be a literature evangelist and a Bible Worker in a local church. The social and leadership skills developed in SOULS West will be invaluable to the young people throughout their lives in whatever career they choose to follow.”

Former Vice President of Pacific Union Conference

Arnold Trujilo


“SOULS West is one of the most exciting training school in the entire North American Division. Here in the Central California Conference we long to see a multiplication of the type of students that are produced at SOULS West. They exhibit such strong qualities of leadership, spirituality, abilities to work with people, and a vision for reaching those that don’t know Christ. They have been a tremendous asset in reviving our churches and motivating our people to further service for Jesus.”As leaders involved in the formation of SOULS West here in the Pacific Union, our officers team in the Central California Conference gives its full endorsement to SOULS West. We hope that a much larger number of our young people take this training program as preparation for all the other types of ministry service the Lord may be preparing them for in His church in the days ahead.”We will be happy to visit verbally with anyone who desires further recommendation or information regarding this excellent spiritual and academic training program.”

Ministerial Association Secretary General Conference

Jerry Page


“Rarely does one find the type of dedication to Christ’s service as is found on the campus of SOULS West. Each student is there with a purpose. A calling. And life-changing transformations are happening as they embrace the Scriptures, study together, then go out into the fields of labor for the Master. Surely they will never be the same.”Often we have the privilege of having them make a presentation at our morning worship services here at the Arizona Conference offices. Each student is eager to give a personal testimony of how God is working in them, through them, to reach some one in need. Then they cap their testimony with a favorite text that means so much to them.”And they leave singing a glorious anthem to the Savior. … Our hearts are filled with God’s blessings from their visit. … We believe that SOULS West is one of the finest schools of evangelism in existence today!”

Vice President for General Conference

Duane McKey

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